Are you about to become a tenant, and wondering how to make the move out as smooth as possible when the time comes? Here's our advice on how to move out of a rental property so you get your security deposit back.
The move out of a rental property is always a difficult situation.
The landlords want the home to be perfect, to be exactly the same as when they left it at the beginning of the lease term while the tenants don't want to be held responsible for anything.
The landlords want to keep the entire security deposit. The tenants want their entire deposit back.
So who decides? We do. And it is often a tough spot to be in. We don't side with either party. We go by the words in the lease and Maryland law. Without the law, we go on precedent.
Here is perspective and advice on how to make the move out as smooth as possibly so that you get your security deposit back.
1. Follow the exact terms of your lease. Read the lease and all addenda.
Chesapeake Property Management leases require that the tenant have the home professionally cleaned and all of the carpets professionally steam cleaned by our vendors with receipts provided.
4. Work with your property manager.
Our philosophy is win/win and we want to help all parties move forward as amicably as possible. We are not out to get you. So call us if you have any questions or concerns.
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I hope this helps clarify the situation. Being a landlord is difficult and, since most of our landlords are reluctant landlords, they are emotionally attached to their home. Any change in condition is hard for them. By hiring a professional property management company like Chesapeake Property Management, we take all of the emotion out of these decisions and use our best professional discretion to objectively uphold the lease and the laws in Maryland.
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